Apothem Academy is a tutoring business that specializes in all middle school and high school courses. We provide mostly virtual but also in-person tutoring depending on the availability of our tutors. Our tutors are achieving high school students with perfect GPAs and our tutors are involved in various extracurricular activities such as sports, band, orchestra, and debate to name a few.
“I stopped going to school. I really wasn’t worried about myself. I was doing a lot of reckless things and living out of my car. Apothem Academyhas really opened a lot of doorways for me and Apothem Academy gives me the option to stay at home or work from the library or a friends house or wherever I’m comfortable and I’m grateful for that opportunity.”
Jane Doe
"“I came to Apothem Academy because I was bullied out of my other school, like so bad that I got really really low and when I came to Apothem Academy everyone was really friendly and all the teachers were helpful and it’s just like a giant family and I really liked it. And I’m glad to be graduating from them.”
Simon K
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